Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Welcome folks. My name is Jake. I'm a probation officer. I have worked in community corrections since 1995. My current position is with one of the larger probation departments on the west coast - and no, I won't say which.

I've created this blog for a few reasons; partly for something to do, partly as a possible opportunity to some day enhance my income a bit, but most to provide a place for folks to seek help navigating their respective probation and/or community supervision periods. I will try to update regularly with different topics that may or may not pertain to you or a family member or friend currently experiencing court supervision. 


Feel free to post questions or comments. Free flowing discussion is welcome. I am anxious to hear questions and comments about different experiences with probation departments, courts, etc. I do however, reserve the right to delete anything I feel is inappropriate. And I'll do please let's keep some element of decorum. 

I will not tell you how to cheat probation; and I'm not interested in providing a forum for folks to discuss the latest mechanisms in beating a UA the day after they've hot-boxed with their friends. I will give you my perspective on strategies to be successful on probation, and hopefully, ultimately, free from ever having to see the inside of a jail again. 

My focus will always err on you taking RESPONSIBILITY for your own behavior. You'd be amazed how far honesty and humility will get you when your faced with the fact that your in non-compliance with your court/probation officer.

My take on my job: I love to help people. I love when people change their lives for the better, and I maybe have some piece of how that happened. I also LOVE protecting the community. I get an equal rush when a bad guy goes to jail - when a person who absolutely refuses to put forth the effort to improve their life and take responsibility for the behavior that landed them before a judge in the first place - is held accountable and sent to's a perfect balance.

So let the discussion begin. Let's talk about substance abuse treatment, mental health/domestic violence, anger management services, whatever. Say you have a question or comment about a probation officer you're having a hard time "pleasing." We can talk about strategies to deal with that. FEEDBACK from all is welcome. I don't know everything, TRUST ME. We can talk about upcoming court hearings, public defenders, social service benefits, etc.

Please keep in mind that I will have to speak from my own experiences in the jurisdictions from which I've worked. Each court has its own distinct culture, and is guided by local and state laws that can vary dramatically from many others. So your perspective and familiarity will likely be quite different from mine and the others who participate here. 


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